2008年3月13日 星期四


Origin of this book
May 2004 Berkeley, conference on " Methods in Phonology"
Conference in honor of John Ohala
Two central facets of experimental approaches to phonology
Experimental Methods
Phonological Findings
The book is organized in terms of major phonological issues:
Explaining phonological universals
Understanding the phonetic factors
Maintaining, enhancing, modeling of phonological contrast
Assessing phonological knowledge
Part I. Theoretical consideration and background
Part II. Phonological universals
Part III. Phonetic variation and phonological change
Part IV. Modeling, maintaining, and enhancing phonological contrast
Part V. Phonotactic and phonological knowledge

2008年3月6日 星期四

C1. Methods in Phonology

C.1 Methods in Phonology
1.1 Introduction
The volume is mostly concerned with methodology, rather than exclusively on particular theories or questions.
1.2 Questions, Answers, Method
a scientific discipline can be characterized by questions, answers and methods.
1.2.1 Questions
the broad questions that are asked in a discipline remain remarkably constant over time. More detailed questions will forever arise no matter how good an answer is provided at any given level.
1.2.2 Theories
the theories given to the questions may vary a great deal.
1.2.3 Methods
The development of new methods can revolutionize a discipline.
Three key elements of “scientific method”:
(i)to present data in an objective way,
(ii)in a quantified way-that is, numerically-
(iii)to present evidence that overcomes doubt
Data should be obtained objectively-with minimal or no influence from the act of observing.